25 Hours a day – Nick Bare

Book - 25 hours a day by Nick Bare

Story by @written_reviews

Background -

I started working in law enforcement in 2015 and already saw a lot of hardship and misery. My approach to go trough this is through sports and embracing the struggle. 25 Hours a day is a compacted book about Nicks Bares mindset. He’s about going all in, embrace the suck and going one more. He built his nutrition business by sheer willpower against all odds and his father’s assessment.

Helped by his hard working mentally injected by his parents and the us military Nick Bare excels in life. Concerning sports and athletics his ethos his about going one more. If you feel like giving up/quitting just go one mile more or one set more than you planned at the beginning. Through all of this he stays humble and wants to be better every day. "Here's your hack, hard work".

Result -

Before this book I feel like I coasted through sports and just went trough the motions. After I read the book I started to shift my mindset and copied the 'Go one more' approach.

My mentality got harder and I excelled in sports, especially running. I also feel as if I humbled myself and became a lot more professional in my work place. I would recommend the book to everybody.

It is a quick and easy read but also very impactful. Nick Bare isn’t about the glamour and life guru lifestyle, his approach is simple but not easy. It is all about the work.


70kg Dick Head – Dan Pronk