Way of the peaceful Warrior

Way of the peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

My Background - I grew up in a small country town and put a lot of pressure on myself to do well.

Although I knew what I wanted to do professionally I've always felt somewhat lost at what I should do, and what I should feel.

I've moved cities multiple times, failures and success have come and gone, but my thoughts about the past and present have been consistent.

I've struggled to escape what is the mind, and this has resulted in battle after battle with anxiety and OCD.

Book's Key lessons - There is a difference between the brain and the mind. We don't need to keep searching for the meaning of life, all that matters is the present moment.

The mind only projects us into the future, or back to the past. Whether it's good, bad or indifferent you can't predict the future, and you can't change the past.

You can control right now.

Result - After the year that was living in Melbourne this book has helped me regain the use of my 'brain' rather than my mind.

I enjoy every moment, whether it's being at work, eating food or sitting alone. Because this moment is all I have, and is all I will ever need.


The Dip - Seth Godin


The Courage to be disliked