Stolen Focus - Johann Hari

Book - Stolen Focus by Johann Hari

Background - The founder of the infinite scroll function admits in this book that he is often sick to his stomach knowing that because of his addition to civilisation thousands of lifetimes are spent daily on mindless scrolling.

The renaissance was a period of enlightenment in the arts, engineering and creation.

The 21st century whilst continuing to raise the standard of living may just be the opposite, due to the way most of us are beginning to spend out spare time.

The book -

Johann Hari is also the author of lost connections an exceptional book on the truth behind depression, big pharma and how to live a happy life.

His new book is just as eye opening and contains many insights into organisations, people and inventors who have paved the way for a generation of people addicted to tik tok, the pursuit of trying to know everything but knowing very little and one that very much struggles to focus on one task at a time.

This book is a call to action to put down our electronic devices and rediscover the passions and pursuits in our life that truly make us happy and human.

Result -

By offering an insight into just how many minds are suffering from addiction to the internet and a reduction in their ability to focus, Johann warns us that if we continue on this path even the brightest minds in the world will be affected as his has been.

He argues that collectively, the more we abstain from our addiction to the internet the brighter the future will become.

Overall an exceptional book that had me frustrated everytime I noticed myself pick up my phone in the midst of reading it.


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