Inner Engineering – Sadhguru

Book - Inner Engineering by Sadghuru

Backstory - Everyone has thoughts cross their minds subconsciously.  Thoughts that are good, others anxiety inducing, some memories maybe and others seemingly pointless.

I read in Robin Sharmas book 'The monk who sold his Ferrari' that the human mind has about 6200 thoughts a day and that around 75 percent of them you have had before.

Books advice- Overthinking, stress and anxiety are all symptoms of the information age we find ourselves in and perfectly normal.

However, through Sadghurus writing which I liken to the Dalai Lama or the bible he eloquently explains his beliefs of how to over come intrusive thoughts or pointless thoughts.

His key take away is that biology is to blame for our consistent worrying and stress however the antidote is in our possession as well! Through his explanation of the 5 senses Sadghuru concludes that although it appears as if our sight and touch happen externally they actually occur within.

By understanding this and truly believing it he argues that we control every experience we have by how we interpret it within. We have the unlimited choice to decide what things mean and that the more positively we approach all of our daily experiences the more positive experiences we shall have.

Result - It is very rare lately for me to be moved so much by a book. It is also rare that I would spend so much money on one.

After reading Sadghurus book however I feel as if I have the knowledge to better understand my mind, have more control over my intrusive negative thoughts and find myself being much more positive when my mind naturally strays.

I would recommend this book for anyone stuck in a rut as it truly has the ability to reframe your thinking and take control back over your life.


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