Never Split the Difference - Chris Voss

Book - Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss

Background -

Life is a series of conversations, arguments, agreements, negotiation and compromise. Whether it's a new job interview, tough conversation with an employee, friend or partner, we are constantly negotiating our wants, wills, desires and best case scenario to those around us.

The book -

Never split the difference is written by Chris Voss who became the best negotiator in the Federal Bureau of Investigation through his sheer determination, passion and love of communicating to get the best result out of high threat scenarios. Voss argues that the tactics and strategies in his book can be utilised in every day life to assist you get what you want.

He utilises a number of quick tricks and tips to set you up for success in tough upcoming conversations with anyone in your life. He argues that building empathy, common ground, letting the other person speak, preparedness and level-headedness are vital in communication. Over all this book is an excellent summary of some of the best communication advice in the world.

The result -

I was hesitant to read this book because I was concerned that it was a form of manipulation to be good at persuasion and negotiation. However after reading the case studies in the book that show how these simple changes to my usual conversing technique can pay massive dividends, I soon realised that I am going to want what I want anyway, why not be more effective in getting it.

I strongly recommend this book for anyone who struggles with confrontation, getting what they want or doesn't know the best way to approach a tough conversation.


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