Create a culture of curiosity, resilience and self-efficacy

Man wearing a navy blazer and white shirt standing against a black background.
Man with tattoos speaking at a podium in a blue shirt.

Bibliotherapy for workplaces

Society today is desperate for a reinvigoration of purpose, meaning and identity. This is apparent when we look at the epidemic levels of mental health ailments, our attention spans and our over reliance on external sources of validation.

Captain Dylan Conway has been on the forefront of supporting communities and organisations adopt the life changing habit of reading, igniting curiosity and teaching leaders, managers, teachers and organisations how to adopt a support mechanism which is cost effective, proven and life changing.

Delivering inspiring and actionable live and virtual experiences to drive meaningful outcomes, bibliotherapy expert and keynote speaker Dylan Conway brings the ideal balance of authentic vulnerability, inspiring energy, case studies and practical applications to audiences of every size. Whether it’s an arena of 1,000 future Army Officers, a workshop of 25, or a virtual event with your remote workforce, Dylan will deliver an event to match the audience.

As a leader, speaker, advisor, and entrepreneur, Dylan blends deep, real-world experiences, with inspiring storytelling, to support leadership teams and their organisations reduce stressors
impacting their work force.

Keynote Topics and Outcomes

  • After 12 years in the Australian Army and after having 9 life altering surgeries, Dylan speaks about how reading, mindfulness and knowledge can ignite a level of personal strength that any organisation should encourage!

  • Learn about the other leaders and key figures from the past and their journey with Bibliotherapy to achieve their incredible outcomes. Through perspective, consistency and curiosity build an inspired work force.

  • Dylan utilises the Military Planning tool (Military analysis Planning) to break down the key causes of stress and mental anguish. Knowledge dispels fear and by having a better understanding of the leading causes of stress he speaks about how to address them more accurately.

  • Encourage your workplace to become curious, begin to strengthen their mind as well as their bodies as Dylan discusses practical solutions to support your members, peers and yourself, through recommended books and the use of bibliotherapy.

  • Discover how a culture of education, learning and innovation can support your members through all phases of the heirarchy of needs until they themselves become the leaders who will support your organisations mission.

All programs are available in person or virtually

Get in touch today!

We will be in contact with more information and the process for a presentation! All speeches and payments support the charity create more community libraries


We are proud to have worked with the following organisations:

Logo for The Oasis Townsville featuring a colorful abstract design and the words 'Transition | Connection | Integration'.
Protegás Australia logo with bold text
Logo of Padua College with shield emblem and motto "Deus Meus Et Omnia"
Coat of arms shield with a crown, open book, sword, and a banner reading "Scientia," "To Lead," "To Excel."
"Veteran Mentors" logo with silhouettes of two people, one larger in green and one smaller in orange.
Queensland Police badge with crown, laurel leaves, and motto 'With Honour We Serve'