Army Libraries
Providing our soldiers with life-changing reads
Brothers and Books Army Community Libraries are all over Australia. We use books that have been recommended to the page that help change lives, to fill the shelves in the hope that they change someone else’s life as well. All Community Libraries are paid for through merchandise sales and your generous donations.
RSL Mount Isa Sub Branch
No. 37 Squadron RAAF
Veteran Support Centre, Palm Beach RSL
12th/16th Hunter River Lancers
5/11th Battery, Royal Australian Artillery
Kapooka - Home of the Soldier
1 Combat Service Support Battalion
20th Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery
Lavarack Health Centre, Townsville
2nd Combat Engineer Regiment
3rd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment
Army School of Transport
176 Air Dispatch Squadron
4th/3rd Battalion Royal News South Wales Regiment
The 2nd Health Battalion
Australian Defence Force Academy
Enoggera Health Centre
RAAF Base Edinburgh Soldier Recovery Centre
The National Centre for Veteran Health Care
1st Battalion RAR
1st Intelligence Battalion
Soldier Recovery Centre, Brisbane
3rd Combat Engineer Regiment
School Of Armour, Puckapunyal
6th Battalion
Keswick Cafe